Our Work


Our projects are dedicated to breaking down barriers and opening doors to education, providing essential opportunities for learning and growth to those who need it most.

Cultivating a Digital Archive for Survivors
Cultivating a Digital Archive for Survivors

This project emerged as a response to the profound impact of the 2014 Ezidi genocide and the need to amplify the voices and experiences of the Ezidi community. This initiative aimed to create a platform that not only documented the historical atrocities but also empowered the community through art, storytelling, and the cultivation of a digital and physical archive.

Open TUMO centers in Slemani and Erbil
Open TUMO centers in Slemani and Erbil

The TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, an Armenian-established schooling program, has made significant strides in providing free education, targeting a broad spectrum of socio-economic students inclusive of their religion, ethnicity, or gender. The program is designed to empower students, aged between 12-18, with a comprehensive suite of technical skills.Notably, TUMO's influence has spread globally, by being successfully instituted in major cities such as Paris, Berlin, and Moscow.

Solar Panel Project for Ezidi Community Center
Solar Panel Project for Ezidi Community Center

The Solar Panel Project for Ezidi Survivors was initiated in response to the devastating Ezidigenocide that took place in 2014, forcing thousands to flee their homes. This project aimed to providesustainable support to the Ezidis by installing solar panels at a community center, benefiting both thecenter's activities and the daily lives of the community members. The Lighthouse Learning Center mainlyoperates as a space for students with special learning needs. Summers in Sharya reach north of a 110degrees F or 43 C. Students are often distracted by the intense heat, or alternatively suffer the cold winterswithout heating or electricity. All members of the community are now assured a productive and safeenvironment.

Reports & documents

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Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2023 in northern Syria
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Report 2022-2023: TUMO project in Northern Iraq region
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Annual report 2022-2023: North Iraqi refuge camps of Yazidis

“Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.”

— George Santayana